[Top Secret] Add Stylish Clock in the Lock Screen of your smartphone

[Secret] Add Stylish Clock in the Lock Screen of  Phone

 Clocks in the lockscreen of smartphone looks very beautiful,  unique and stylish.  You should also add it in your Android phone to make it stylish and unique .

Add Stylish Clock in the Lock Screen of  Phone

Follow these steps to add stylish clock on  lockscreen  of your smartphone :

1. Open settings 

2. Click on the option - Lock screen 

Add stylish clock to lock screen of android

3. Click on the option - Clock style

Add stylish clock to lock screen of android

4. Choose your favorite clock style 

Add stylish clock to lock screen of android

5. Click on Done.

Add stylish clock to lock screen of android

Congratulations 🎉🥳 stylish clock has been added to lock screen success fully 

Now , lock your phone to see it .

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